Monday, February 24, 2014

Adaptation: a film that contradicts itself in every way and gets away with it

        Okay, so I first watched this movie about a year ago having no clue what it was about. I got about half way through and ended up leaving it and forgetting to finish. Well when I read the article about the description of Larouche I was thinking to myself, "Man, this guy sounds really familiar..." Not just the name but the very description of his physical attributes. I eventually remembered watching a movie that had a character who fit those exact features and was an orchid hunter. So I was quite shocked that the film did such a great job that I would remember the character just by the description of the character. Anyway on to the movie.

        I found it very interesting how they were able to make a full length film by basically running in circles. It opens with a black screen and the voice of the narrator having monologue about himself, which later in the film he talks about making the opening of the film itself. He later describes a possible opening for the film in which the sub-story uses to begin it's story. This movie was two movies inside of one big movie that is in itself several genres at various points throughout the movie. I enjoy this film because to get a full understanding of everything that happens you have to sit down and take notes and possibly even make a diagram. Yeah, you can talk about the various plot twists and humorous references about the film they are in but that's only skimming the top.


  1. Your comment about this film having two movies in one is correct. Truth be told, I didn't think of that but it's a great way of describing all the levels in the film. I thought the movie was decent, not one of my top favorites, though it's original and well-written but very confusing as well. Good message behind the plot just a bit much to break down in the end. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree this movie ran in circles. I also feel that the fact that this movie does have a movie in the movie makes running in circles a good way to understand what is going on. But I do feel that the one thing that keep me interested in this movie was the funny parts. Him sweating like crazy and his the differences with his make believe brother along with Larouche made this movie fun to watch.
